...and I'm back!

July 28, 2011

So we’ve come a long way in a (relatively) short time! Things I’ve learned about over the past 6 months:

  1. Ubuntu/Debian
  2. GlassFish Server
  3. MySQL
  4. PHP
  5. FileMaker Pro

So where does that put me now? A few months back, I began pairing with someone I know here in Chicago and loved it, but didn’t have the time to commit to really learn Ruby. I’ve had a change of heart recently and came back to picking up Ruby on Rails–this time for realzies.

I started by starting Ruby Koans again (for those that don’t know, it’s a test-driven, guided introduction to the Ruby language) and by completing Rails for Zombies (an excellent place to hop into rails if you’ve gotten your feet wet with Ruby).

Now to just start on my first RoR project…